Would I Be Free?
If I were to fly high above the trees
Like the ravens do, ravens do
Would I be free?
If I were to run through the forest
Like the wolves do, wolves do
Would I be free?
If I were to roam the trees
Like the bears do, bears do
Would I be free?
If I were to swim through the rivers
Like the salmon do, salmon do
Would I be free?
If I were to spin a web
Like the spiders do, spiders do
Would I be free?
If I were to hum the frequency of life
Like the bees do, bees do
Would I be free?
If I were to dance through the skies
Like the northern lights do, northern lights do
Would I be free?
If I were to sleep peacefully under the stars
Like the plants do, plants do
Would I be free?
If I were to surrender all that I am and will be
If I were to allow my essence to just be
If I were to rise up to all that I could be
Would I be free?
~ Tammy Bergen