Focused On Spirit
Combining a wealth of knowledge and experience in her practice. Whether you want to improve your flexibility, accelerate recovery after an injury, heal from illnesses, connect to spirit or simply make a positive lifestyle change,
Tammy has something to offer you.

About Tammy Bergen
I am an ordinary person who wishes to help others realize their true potential. I am a Wife, Herbalist, Völva, Teacher and Healer. I am dedicated to transmuting the trauma that I carry and healing my body. My desire to heal myself on all levels has expanded into a vision of creating sacred space for others to feel safe enough to lay their burdens down so they can go deeper within themselves and allow the healing to occur. I offer group classes and workshops, online lessons, transformational healing, yoga, herbal products, runic healing, reiki, leather work and art. I am always in search of new knowledge and wisdom of many different modalities in order to bring through what is needed for each individual.

Core and Cellular Transformational Healing
Cleansing, Purifying and Regenerating
An ancient form of celtic healing. Delving deep into the darkest corners of our lives to uproot all that does not serve us to acknowledge and release it all. Using powerful incantations and invocations to create a safe space for all to transform and connect to their most highest self and divine energies.
Private Sessions and Group Setting.

Herbal Medicine
Healing Through Original Medicine
Trained as a Master Herbalist, offering herbal tinctures, teas, salves & creams for everyday use or for specific needs. Tammy also facilitates Herbal Medicine Making & Educational Workshops to empower others to advocate for their own health.

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